Parts of this chapter hit on key principles of TG. Allow me to quote some of Steve’s insights.
“Consumer to steward is a shift in ownership from acquiring things for ourselves
to offering what we have to God and others.”
In the parable of the talents, “Stewards see the master as generous. However, to consumers, the master is stingy.”
“The steward’s most coveted thing is never the master’s possessions but the master’s happiness.” I love this quote!!!
“Consumers always want to be on the receiving end of the blessing.
But stewards want to bless others.”
Think about these quotes from two different perspectives.
One, is how can you as a fund raiser communicate these truths to the listener? TG needs to be taught to the Body to overcome several misconceptions about the role of giving in the Church. The steward's giving is part of the spiritual journey and is a joy in serving God. This needs taught!
Two, think how these quotes above should change the way you ask the champion to give. They help us see we are dealing with heart issues not bank account issues. Therefore, the discipleship factor in TG is critical. So not only do we need to teach TG but we reflect these truths in our asking.
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