In Transformational Giving the question of what to measure
always comes up. One thing we know is we
will always measure income in fund raising.
But since TG is about moving champions deeper in their journey and
commitment to the cause, should measuring the journey be as important as
measuring the income? And if so how do
you measure it?
There are two different resources I have come across that
have helped me learn about measuring. Each
resource points to the need to measure BOTH.
Income measurements are important, but so are activity measurements
One teaching about measurement comes from Steve Moore in his
book, Seize the Vuja De. Moore discusses a ‘gathering’ matrix as opposed to a ‘scattering’
matrix. The gathering matrix is what we
take in, i.e. gather. It measures things
such as: How many people attend church?
How much money did we collect?
How many souls were saved? Etc.
The scattering matrix
is different. It does not focus on what
comes in but what goes out, i.e. what we scatter. It may measure activities such as: How many
people from our church shared their faith this month? How did we invest our income to impact the
Great Commission? How many believers did
we training in evangelism? So we shift our focus to what is coming in to what
is going out.
The beauty is, if we are effective in scattering it impacts
what we gather. This may sound familiar
since the Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 9 that those who sow generously reap
Another resource that mirrors Moore’s ‘scattering’ matrix comes
from the 4 Disciplines of Execution. The
authors of this book mention lag measurements as opposed to lead
measurements. Lag measurement measures
what has already happened. It is called lag because it is after the fact and
can no longer be influenced. This is a similar concept to the ‘gathering’ way
to measure. Lead measurements are
different. They are fluid and can be influenced
because they are measurements of activity during the process not the results at
the end.
An example from the book is airline safety records. The
lag measurement is 100% of the planes landed safely. But how do you get these lag measure results. Well you have a pre-flight check list that
you can control. This checklist is
measured while it happens. And when done
properly it produces the desired result.
So the ‘scattering’ matrix you measure is not the number of planes
landed safely, it is how many pilots are properly doing their preflight check list.
So for a church, ‘scattering’ measurements may look like
this: Not just how many pastoral visits
the church staff made, but how many church members are being equipped for
visitation and doing visitation.
This entry is the ground work. The next entry we will look at how all this
can impact measurements in TG.