Tuesday, October 23, 2012

More About Stories?

It seems every time I turn a page in regards to funding these days there is something written about telling stories.  That’s ok, Jesus was a story teller.  We know we need to tell true and good stories.  I think the reason we see so many articles written about story telling is because so few do it well.


Nothing new has been written about telling stories that the generations before us did not write, but as with the any good truth, it needs taught repeatedly.  I came across yet another good piece on the role of stories in giving.  It mirrored teaching in the principles of TG so let me share it on this blog since the purpose is to advance the teachings of TG.


The article comes from ECFA.  It is by Bill Frisby and Dave Rippey.  They give 5 broad categories in helping people tell stories. One guideline they give is particularly in sync with TG.  It is this, “(A good story) places the giver into the ministry as an active participant.”  Great TG teaching.  The story is not just about you or your ministry, it is about the champion and his/her role.  The champion as a giver is part of the story.


Another well-defined need of what should go into your story is also highlighted in this article.  The authors show us that without Christ there is no story!  So the story must include the fact that nothing can be accomplished without God being a part of the story.  The end result is not the ministry, not you, not the champion…the end result is What Is God Doing!!!   Then we are responsible for following God and to be found doing what God is doing.


If you get caught doing what God is up to, guess what??...you will be transformed! God’s stories are the ones to tell to see people changed in their walk and in their giving.